Who is welcome to submit a proposal?
Please carefully review the criteria for grants from The Joyce Family Foundation. Donations can only be made to registered Canadian charities, not to individuals. The main focus of The Joyce Family Foundation is establishing bursary programs at select Canadian colleges and universities, or supporting community organizations that assist at-risk students in their education.

The following activities fall outside the scope of the Foundation: capital construction projects, hospital equipment purchases, campaigns for specific illnesses, mental health and addiction services, the arts and religious or political activities.

What is the deadline to submit a proposal?

Currently, the Board is not accepting new proposals as it is meeting several multi-year commitments. When the granting process resumes, the Apply Now function on this website will be active. The Foundation Administrator selects and prepares proposals for Board consideration three times per year. Applicants selected for consideration will be contacted by the Foundation Administrator.

When will a decision on my proposal be made and communicated?
Once the granting process resumes, you may submit a proposal through our online application. Receipt of the application will be acknowledged. Applicants that will be asked to further engage with the Foundation will be contacted. All applicants, whether successful or not, will be contacted after each Board meeting. Board meetings are scheduled three times per year.
Will you respond to individual questions before a proposal is submitted?
When the granting process resumes and if you would like to ask whether your proposal falls within the mandate, please contact the Foundation office at moneill@joycefamilyfoundation.com or by phone at 1 905 336-6993. We value your time and the effort that goes into submitting a proposal, and would welcome a brief introductory call to assess whether your request would likely be selected for consideration by the Board.
When will the Foundation be accepting new proposals?

It is not yet determined when The Joyce Family Foundation will be considering new applications. There is a queue of proposals that have been submitted and selected for review that will be addressed first.